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4. In text references should be either author identified or reference number identified and placed in square brackets on the line, e.g. [12]. Examples of acceptable forms of reference lists at the end of the chapter/article in Journals:
Author, A. B.; Author, C. D. J. Abbrev. 19XX, vol, xx-yy. NOTE: No punctuation in journal abbreviations except periods. No conjunctions, articles, or prepositions in journal abbreviations. No comma or semicolon before or after journal titles.
Examples of acceptable forms of reference lists at the end of the chapter/article in Books:
Author, A. B.; Author, C. D. Book Title; Series Name and number; Publisher: City, STATE (2 letters), year; Vol. 1, pp xx-yy. Edited Books Author, A. B. In Book Title; Editor, C. D.; Ed.; Series Name and number; Publisher: City, STATE (2 letters), year; Vol. 3, pp xx-yy. Electronic Media Author, A. A. (1996). Title of electronic text [E-text type]. Location of document Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (1996). Title of electronic journal article. Title of electronic journal [On-line serial], Volume number (Issue number). Email address and request message
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7. Please try to keep vertical (portrait) tables a maximum of 5.5 inches wide. If width is a problem, use the landscape layout with section breaks on both sides if MS Word is being used. Do not follow the end of sentences with two spaces but instead with only a single space. 8. Either American or British spelling is acceptable. International, American and British punctuation are all acceptable.
9. For any explanatory notes, please use Footnotes.
10. Color graphics are possible upon agreement with the Publisher.
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